Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Museum of Natural History

So my roommate, Jana, and I went to London's Museum of Natural History. It is a rather old museum, being around since the mid 1800's. The building was specially made for it, and it was gorgeous! The mosaics and tile work was amazing. See here:
We learned many interesting things and saw many interesting/bizarre/concerning things as well.
Here is a monkey skeleton swinging around and having a grand old time. Did anyone else think of Pirates of the Caribbean? Cuz I did.

And look! I made a friend. Sort of.

This was a better friend. Meet the really really old giant armadillo. Awesome, right? Just don't make him too happy. His tail could take out a flight of stairs.

I just thought this was funny. Here, we'll put this on display, but just ignore this bit.

Another picture of the building. GORGEOUS. I plan on living there someday, either as an official resident or a piece of the exhibit. They may in fact be the same thing under different titles. The man you see is actually posing for someone else, but I was tired of waiting so he made it into my memories. Congratulations good sir!

More creepy monkeys that resided in every nook and cranny of the place. Did anyone else think of Bartok and the demon/slug things in Anastasia? Cuz I did.

An artist carefully prepared this tree slice. It's a real tree that's been pasted on to the ceiling. In respect for the tree the artist planted 200 of the tree's seeds. Tarzan, anyone?

This is Jana overlooking what appear to be the remains of the museum's first director. This marble box was just sitting in the corner of some small exhibit that had nothing to do with him. It's a little creepy. We aren't actually sure if the box does indeed hold the director's remains, or if it's just a box commemorating him in some suspiciously vague way.

This pic is actually from the museum next door (museum of science). Yes, it is in fact a chandelier made of cheap ball point pens.

We saw a lot of other things as well, like:
  • eggs shaped like cork screws (what?)
  • really creepy malevolent fish you wouldn't want to meet even in the best of circumstances
  • An alligator with a snout as thin as a pencil
  • Fish with free-floating jaws (yeah, still confused)
  • Giant salamanders, worms, and etc.

And yeah. Just a cool awesome place!

1 comment:

  1. I love that museum, Bree! Most gorgeous building ever.
