Saturday, September 12, 2009


So... you see this? This is from the time when I burnt my thumb nail. Yes, that is correct. I burnt my thumb nail. 
It happened like this: I was lighting a candle with a match. The candle was a really nice smelling one so naturally, there wasn't much left. While waiting for the wick to catch this thought crossed my brain: Hmmm, My thumb is kinda hot. Quickly followed by: Something smells not like my candle. And then things clicked--or burned rather. 
And can I just say that burnt nail smells like burnt hair x 10, almost as bad as burnt wool-----but let's be honest, nothing can top burnt wool except more burnt wool. If you want to get rid of a pesky boy and a few of your neighbors at the same time, burn some wool. But be aware, you might get rid of yourself while your at it. And you might also get a visit from a vengeful flock of fluffy sheep. I hear they're rather like the Mofia in revenge. The Russian mofia, mind you, not the Italian or Asian. 


  1. totally burned my nail too. (long time ago) but i had some nail polish on so it was super gross and my polish turned all yucky brown.

  2. Though the sheep might be vengeful, as long as your anticipating them you're safe. For they do sit around for quite a long time, first pondering how the situation, before they take action.

  3. Burnt nail polish sounds like an evacuation situation.

  4. i have nothing to say other than HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
