Monday, July 25, 2011

It's a matter of taste

A few days ago my mom had a catering job and she called me on her way over in a moment of panic and requested my mad catering-skills to come and assist her before the party started. So I went on over and she handed me some frozen concentrate, countrytime powder, real lemon juice, and a large orange cooler and told me to make some lemonade.

Now, unbeknownst to my mother I have never mixed such things to make a drink. I am a very much a one- or two-ingredients per drink kind of girl, but she's the boss so I just started mixing some stuff, tasting along the way to see how I was going. When I thought it was nearly there I had my mother taste-test it, and her reaction was not what I was expecting.

"Whoa! Wow. That's... that's, well..." I was kind of surprised because, I mean, how wrong can you go with lemonade? Especially when there's powder and mix for you? I guess I must be really talented or something. Mother continued, "You put that much lemon in? Ok, well... hmmm...." She then took the Costco sized Countrytime powder mix and dumped half of it it. "Hopefully that will do something." She said.

Somewhat abashed I abandoned the lemonade and moved over to the caprese and lettuce-wraps. My mom ended up fixing my bout of creativity and the lemonade was fine. But, lesson learned for next time!

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