Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Some Pretty Pictures

So here are some paintings I've come across during my sojourn in the academic world. And I like them, for various reasons.

This one depicts Ajax (the Lesser) abducting Cassandra from her sanctuary of Athena (for which Athena punished Ajax by blasting him with a lighting bolt. Lesson: Don't mess).

This is a painting of the Romantics depicting the suicide of Chatterton. It is terribly sad (especially since he was only 17) But the painting is a great work of art I think. The play of blue and red, the symbolic rising sun and the open window. I saw it at the Tate, which was awesome.

This is a somewhat happier painting. It shows the sculptor Pygmalion as his glorious work of art comes to life as Galataea. I love how you can see her transformation as it is taking place. Cool stuff.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting these!

    The passion in the last one is just gorgeous. It looks to me like Galatea is grabbing the eager Pygmalion's hand as if to say "Not too fast buddy!".
