Monday, October 11, 2010

my birthday

It was my birthday, so I had a party. Here is some of what it looked like.

Pewter, pumpkins and candlelight. So enchanting!

Bahahha! Those little dressed up pumpkins make me so happy.

My ring selection is awesome. And so is my nail polish.

Everyone got a mustache! Or monocle. This produced some very interesting results. Just imagine the inner characters that surfaced. All they needed was a bit of fuzz above the lip and accents abounded, both in prose and lyrics, also accompanied with amusing facial expressions. Highly entertaining.

Here is the cake my brothers decorated for me. In the very center was a giant marshmallow, impaled with candy corns and topped with a giant plastic eye. Truly Halloween. They thought they were so clever for not only putting on the googly eyes, but also covering some up with frosting, so as to be a hidden surprise for some poor Bruce in want of chocolate cake.

But it was all fabulous! Very fun and filling. Thank you friends!


  1. yes, yes, very good:) happy birthday, ma'am.

  2. Um. I know I commented on your birthday right after you posted this. What the H. Are you deleting my comments Bree? Really?
