Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Thoughts (I don't claim them to be good or worth your time)

So summer is officially over and I've now been in school for a week. I am still begrudging many a thing that goes with the school season, but as there seems to be no way around it, I'll just have to deal (or run screaming off into the distance--which I still may do if there happens to be a heavily oiled and well-toned man both shirtless and holding a pina colada in the distant sunset...ah, summer).

But life is getting better and I'm learning (like how to hear literary jargon and nod with a small smile Oh, yes, of course... pedagogical, mmm hmmm... while inside I'm rather confused and somewhat dazed).

So onward ho! Bouquets of sharpened pencils and the smell of scotch tape! Let's own this school thing, shall we?


  1. Hahaha. I love the image of the shirtless man. :-)

  2. ha. I just adore you brianna. I mean come on you're quoting You've Got Mail for gosh sakes!!
