Monday, August 2, 2010

St. George

So my mom was in desperate need of a vacation and we decided St. George would be a good place to go at the end of July, when cooking eggs and bacon on the sidewalk is so passe, and people have moved on to ham and asparagus. We're talking 103 degrees average =fun?

Luckily the condo had air conditioning (which is actually a huge step up from home) and a nearby pool with a handful of beautifully tanned and well-shaped life-guards. =fun (probably more fun if they were past high school and knew about the real world, at least a little). But I won't lie, I was totally looking.

It was a rather fun trip. I learned shuffleboard (I'm quite gifted actually. Why am I so surprised? I mean come on, it's me. Don't I just ooze Shuffleboard Queen?). I told Greek myths to the boys (Jackson was rather upset that I knew so few stories about the "Water Guy" aka Poseidon).

We did a death hike in the middle of the day on Wednesday. It was so hot the five of us went through five quarts in like an hour and fifteen minutes. DOOOD. We later hiked Angels' Landing at night (as in walked home in the dark with a wind-up flash light=fun and a little scary). I absolutely SHREDDED my pants slipping of the road while taking a picture. Minor scrapes on the body but the shorts are completely done for. I had to finish the hike holding my pants together so anyone behind us wouldn't get sight of my voluptuously white arse. Yes we can all laugh, ha ha ha.

The boys finally caught their much desired lizard. Hours of chasing the poor animals around hot rocks and sand only to end up in a poky bush. But they were at last successful. They caught one tiny one, but almost caught five, so... they were happy.

Now we just have to get back to the real world... =not fun.

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