Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Note to the world: 

Ties bearing the ensemble of wild animals with over-ferned jungle backdrops are no longer in style. Neither are ones with lilies and frogs, or lawnmowers, or messily painted geometric shapes in odd colors. These, in fact, were never in style. They were originally intended as white-elephant gifts that have now been monstrously misused. If you went on a tie-shopping spree during some nanosecond trend of the mid-90's it is now time to repurchase for the sake of your dignity. 

Professor Kearl, I mean this with the utmost respect. 

**I would also like to point out that on my tie sample there are elephants (natives of Africa and India), pandas (from China, though the baby is from the zoo, since the wild is to wild for pandas to procreate), tigers (also China), Rhinos (friends of the elephants), some relative of the antelope, and an odd mix between a hyena, cat, and hedgehog. All I can say is that this must be some amazing forest to bring all of these animals together in such vibrant harmony.**


  1. brianna! thank you for finally posting something. Your blog always makes me smile, and I look forward to your posts every single day. You do not disappoint. Love yoU!


    Do you remember that umbrella I had that was almost the exact pattern as this? SO amazing. I am going to be honest here and say that I love this tie. But only if the man has otherwise fantastic style.

    You have permission to fashion police me.
