Thursday, March 26, 2009

My Walk to the Grocery Store

Welcome to my walk to the grocery store! Here is my path and a little snippet of the absolutely gorgeous mountains (even though we are upset about the snow). 

I think daffodils are my favorite flower. I love the part where WIlly Wonka drinks out of one like a tea cup, then eats it when he's finished. Somehow, daffodils have so much personality, like in Alice in Wonderland, how they talk to her, or in Hook when they smell the paint on Peter. I just feel that at any moment they're going to turn their heads and say something gossipy. (Oh, look ladies, we've got another one. How many more of those terrible jackets are we going to have to see before they go out of style? If anybody asked me, I'd say they would be better off wearing a bustle. At least that would have flattered somewhat.)

Um...yes please? 

On the right is someone who suffers from cheap and outdated lawn decor. 

Below is some kind of cheap private school (joking...sorta)

There was an accident on the street. It actually looks worse than it was. A bumper was taken off, but the City felt the need to send 2 fire trucks, and ambulance, and 4 police cars. Apparently bumpers are a far more serious business than I thought. 

This little blob looked ridiculous blowing in the wind. There was actually a bike underneath it, i think.

This lady's house had 3 wind chimes, a candle-lit path, excessive botany, framed artwork, and a couple gazebos. 

These bananas have chicken pox!!! Look at that! Diseased! Green chicken pox!! 

(I confess, I still bought some. Not these ones>> but some others that didn't appear to be contaminated, though now that I think about it, Chicken Pox is a virus...spreadable...this may have been a bad idea...) 

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