So I know it has been FOREVER since I've communicated on the internet. If you cared at all, I apologize. But here is what I have been doing with my exciting and fun-filled life! (and we'll be going backwards because I uploaded the pictures in the wrong order and am too lazy to fix that).
This is where the excitement ended, and what a wonderful place to end up! It was so fun and I haven't been in years. ALSO it was the first time I went on a roller-coaster with a loop (applause, please. And then more applause). I have been a wimp with roller-coasters since I was seven, when my mom told me we were going on the bumper cars, but really it was the legendary White Roller-Coaster. Scarred me for 15 years, thanks madre! But it's ok, because I have evidently recovered. I was absolutely rushed with adrenaline and by the time I got off the California Screamin' my face was wet with tears (I have no idea where they came from, though I suspect I should be embarrassed by that) and my hands were tingly and numb. But it was cool! I survived and it was almost fun. Then to top it all off I went on Tower of Terror (a mild standing ovation, if you please). To quote my mom, "It's lucky you went with boys, otherwise you wouldn't even have considered it," which is so true. It was in no way my own idea, but I fell into peer pressure and am glad of it though I nearly peed my pants in anticipation.
This was taken on the drive to So Cal (Socal? SoCal? I'm obviously not cool enough to know). The South California. Whatever it's called, it's beautiful and sunny, though very windy (intense push-you-over kind of wind on the beach). We passed this field of orange poppies and stopped the car so we could go frolic. But frolicking was made impossible due to large amounts of barrier bushes that were full of thistles and thorns. So we simply admired it from a distance. And look at how blue the ocean is! Just wonderful.
You can't see the scale on this sucker, but believe me, it's massive. Those trees are just giants! I've never seen them before and it was fantastic. They are so strong and impervious to everything, including fire. We went inside one that was covered in black burns and hollowed out due to flames but it was still alive and growing. Amazing.
This was near the beginning of our trip. We passed this cloud rainbow. I hadn't seen one of these before either, and didn't really know it was possible, but there it is. A cloud that was thin enough to create a rainbow effect without it raining. It was really neat.
That's right, folks. All this adventurousness started because I graduated, which naturally required some celebration. So I've done it! Finished with school! I've got a college degree, and holy cow! I never thought I'd make it, but I just kind of closed my eyes and kept pushing through and now it's over. Hoorah! Of course the question everyone is asking is, "Now what?" But, naturally, I have no idea. Life, of course. A career, I guess. But where? When? What? I have no answer to those questions, but I'll figure something out, I'm sure. Right now I'm just happy to be done (now it's your turn to jump up and down in childish excitement, like me).
Oh my goodness! I'm so glad you went about adventuring! Those are all things I have been wanting to do by the way so brava. Believe me when I say I applaud you, give you standing ovation and jump with childish excitement at all of the above.
ReplyDeleteplus hey... I discovered another commonality between us. I too was scarred by that retched white roller coaster. It took me forever to even get near one for a while. But I did. Carrie pressured me into it and I was cured. Mostly. Still get freaked out at the anticipation.
oodles of love.
hoorah! You are my hero Brianna Lou. Oh I am happy I came onto google reader and to see you had posted. :) And seeing that beautiful California made me more excited to go serve there! Love you so happy for your great accomplishment! :)
ReplyDeleteCongrats Primita! On with Life