Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Bear Lake Weekend

My family typically goes to Bear Lake for the 4th of July. Typically, as well, the boys check out Lake Bloomington, which is a small lake surrounded by coldness. Look hither:

Notice those little dots on the snow? That would be the male members of my family plus a knee board which they used to sled down into the water.

Like this!
Does it not look ridiculously fun?
That's why I didn't go for it. I let stupidity reign only so much.

Here is one brother attempting to warm up afterwards.

And here is my dad suffering from a similar brain freeze. We're sitting in the sun judging the rope swingers. Obviously I was not that impressed. Most the attempters were show-offs with no talent (which is a little contrary to the point of a show-off, don't you think? It's like fat people in small swimsuits. If you don't have it, don't flaunt it.)

Also at Lake Bloomington we saw a small dog that was 1/2 golden retriever and 1/2 wiener dog. Now isn't that a question to the universe? Who in the world allowed that? And how in the world did it happen?
The result was actually quite fun, despite any misgivings you may have; the golden retriever personality in a much more containable size.

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