Monday, July 13, 2009

Today Nik came upstairs looking sticky with smugness. "Beat him." He said. He had been playing Jackson at pool. Mind you, Jackson is six. Nik is 25. Jackson followed up the stairs, upset and exasperated. "I can't believe Nik beat me!"

Also today, Mom asked Ben to help her carry something out of the garage. "But it'll be all muddy!" Ben cried. "And I'm wearing my nice white shirt!" World, please note; wife-beaters are not "nice white shirts" and anyone who thinks otherwise is white trash. No exceptions.


  1. this and the last post are money.

  2. I have a massive crush on nik. and that, my friends, is money.

  3. Okay I want to live at your house...just for like a day. It would be lovely to actually see the situations like these arise. Also, I agree with Jess...the sleepwalking makes nik more loveable. Love you Bree!
