So I'm in this biology class and for this class we have to read Francis Bacon. Now if you're like me you've heard his name flit around a couple of time, but never knew what it landed on. Well it's this book called
The Advancement of Learning. And I'm supposed to write an essay on it that is due tomorrow. Never mind that it's over 200 pages of straight text, and although it's not in iambic pentameter, it is still no easier to read than Mr. Shakespeare. (written in 1605)
Naturally, I have not finished, I haven't even made it half way the book, but I have to come up with something. I tried looking for help but sparknotes doesn't have it, neither does cliffnotes. It is that old and unknown.
Another thing: Bacon quotes King Solomon all the time. I don't know who his sources were, but they are so frequent and extensive that I think these two guys were homeboys or something. Solomon was apparently quite the philosopher on all things scientific.